Weeb Streets Presents: Cosplay Club Night
2 anni fa
The Beehive
666 s state st. SLC, Ut
$10 Presale . $12 Day Of
Weeb Streets Dance Parties (UT) - http://www.weebstreets.com
Get ready for a night of Vocaloid, Anime music, EDM, and more! Presented by Utah's premier live J-Pop dance collective. All mixed by DJ i-lectro*cute! https://weebstreets.carrd.co/#ilectrocutebio
Cosplayers welcome, please show up in cosplay if that sounds like fun. We will host a cosplay showcase in the middle of the night for you to walk on-stage and show off your costume (sign-up sheet at the Merch Table.) There will also be a backdrop available with lighting to take pictures of your cosplay (bring your own camera phone).